Friday, August 06, 2010

Question #3

I've discovered stains on two articles of clothing. The pants and shorts are white. I'm not sure what caused the stains but since Natalie has been home she's had a few accidents and spit-ups. The stains are brown in color and seem to be set for life. Do you all know what causes these? Poop? Breast milk? Formula? Spit up? If so, how can we avoid these stains from setting?

Friday, July 09, 2010

Question #2

What type of nipple cream do you all recommend? I go the supplemental nutrition system yesterday and I'm giving it a shot. I was wrong, it has no shield so the baby will be sucking on me!!

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Question #1

Shoud I wash the boppy and changing pad covers?

Thursday, January 07, 2010

A New Year

Wow, what a wonderful Holiday season! It was quite busy and now I'm just trying to recuperate and get back into the swing of things as I'm sure you are.

So, I know many of you are wondering if we have any updates on the baby front and I thought it would be a good time for that. Phillip and I have decided we are not going to pursue fertility treatments. We've prayed and talked extensively about the possibilities out there for a couple in our situation and we feel this is the right decision for us. We feel that for a couple who suffers from some sort of infertility issue, treatments are a great option. Since neither of us suffers from medical problems, we think fertility treatments are futile. We definitely want to be parents sooner rather than later but only God knows what's in store for us. We will continue to live our lives in gratitude and service to our Lord. If he so chooses to bless us with our own children some day, it will truly be His work in our lives. If not, we are open to other possibilities such as adoption. These next few months will be crucial and we may have to make some quick decisions. We greatly need your prayers.

I'm especially struggling with how much time to devote to praying for this. I'm not obsessed with our getting pregnant so I don't pray every single hour of the day that God would grant us this blessing. I feel at peace and I'm in the waiting stage but sometimes I feel that I could be doing more. I know this could be my own guilt and sinful nature trying to stress me out but could it possibly be the Lord convicting me or nudging me to do more? What dilemmas . . . .

Regardless, we need your prayers and support. Thanks for reading ("listening"). Can't wait to see what the Lord's gonna do.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The closest thing to our very own . . . .

Check out the pics of my adorable niece Staci! She's the pride and joy of the Salinas clan. I didn't know it was possible to love another human being the way I love her. I can't imagine what you mommies out there feel when you see the faces of your sweet angels.

Indescribable . . . . .

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Another Bday

I'm not really feeling old so, that's a good thing. Sunday we celebrated my 32nd birthday with friends and I'll be seeing family this coming weekend. We enjoyed a very sushi lunch and a very delicious cake!

Getting older is especially hard when you're trying to get pregnant. Birthdays remind me that time is ticking and they make me feel like I'm running out of time. What a lie! God's timing is perfect. He knows exactly what, when and why. I can rest in God's promises and that's such a relief. My heart is bursting with joy and gratitude for all I've been blessed with. Thank you Jesus!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Establishing Priorities

So, while we're waiting for our little miracle to happen we've been talking about establishing some solid habits and/or routines for our family. If it's difficult for a childless couple to make each other a priority, I can't imagine how it is once a baby comes. I know all too well what it is to care for a baby or two; it's a full time job! I also know how important it is to make my husband a priority. I'm going to start working towards that goal and I think I know where to start - thinking less about me and more about him. Usually after work I do all kinds of things to take care of myself and I really don' t consider what things Phillip may need my help with. I schedule my workouts, plan healthy meals (for myself because he will have none of that), update my blog, schedule my relaxation time in front of the t.v., etc. All the while taking for granted that Phillip can take care of himself. I know he needs me even though he may not vocalize it often. I'll start with considering one thing each day that concerns him and his needs and do it gladly.

Hopefully this will help us put each other before anything or anyone else when kids come.